The Hinsdalean_2019-02-14
GUEST COMMENTARY Anticipating dose of real Vitamin D A co-worker and I were grousing
Candidate seeks support for himself, running mates In the upcoming April 2 election, values. We will accomplish this in many
Hinsdale residents will be called upon to select the next set of leaders for the Village Board of Trustees. With the passing of the Caucus, Luke Stifflear approached Laurel Haarlow and me to form a slate. The goal of this slate is simple — provide balanced, experienced leader- ship that our fellow residents can trust. Our planks are straightforward— first and foremost, we will work tirelessly to always ensure the safety and security of our residents. A prime example of this is our support for the immedi- ate closure of Sterigenics. We will be equally focused on the preservation (and hopefully elevation) of property
ways. We will be steadfast in our com- mitment to fiscal responsibility. We will support initiatives which promote the vibrance and vitality of our down- town and our commercial corridors. We will support the continued effort to improve our village’s infrastructure and we will actively support arguably the most important infrastructure project of our generation, the rebuild- ing of our D86 High schools. Please punch #2, #3 and #4 on April 2 for Banke, Haarlow and Stifflear for Hinsdale Village Board of Trustees. Thank you for your consideration. — Scott Banke, Hinsdale
ing bloc seems to be in the mood for something mood-al- tering. I am talking about the real Vitamin D. Now the great thing about get- aways is there are plenty of options for those who are not particularly keen on warmth. Some of you probably are
recently about the foibles of February. Winter has been going on long enough now that we are just so sick and tired of it. Who are we kidding? We aren’t alone. I knowmany of you feel the same way slogging
Rob Johnson
going to mountains, while others will opt for a fun road trip or an educational journey to a spot like Washington, D.C. Others of you may be going overseas or pondering another warmweather excursion to Arizona to watch our baseball teams at spring training. Some of the best trips ever are the ones when you don’t leave. Staycations let you can explore your own city at your leisure. Perhaps as you consider the options, your mind has begun wandering about what you will want to do in five short weeks. I am ready to make the big decisions of the day. Will we chill at the beach or the pool? Fish tacos or salad? Umbrella drink or wine? I can’t possibly know the right answers right now, but I will. In my last column I was urging everyone to slow down, take stock and the enjoy the holidays. This isn’t exactly the same thing but the idea is similar. We are all overextend- ed, working hard and doing our best for our families. As I pointed out before, I recognize everyone will spend spring break in their own fashion, but ours will done with the real Vitamin D. Enjoy! — Rob Johnson of Hinsdale is a contributing columnist. Readers can email him at
through another rainy, windy, snowy, sleety, historically cold winter. Given the number of school days missed, I also know there is a segment of our society that has absolutely loved it! It’s all perspective, I suppose. My colleague said the real problemwith winter is the lack of Vitamin D. I con- curred, noting February is my most pale, ashen month of the year, despite taking a Vitamin D supplement every day. Oh wait — it’s not like spray tan or a tanning bed? time of year where we sort of hunker down and sleepwalk through the rest of winter. Yes I have begun day-dreaming about what it might be like when spring has sprung. At least the world’s most famous groundhog didn’t see his shadow earlier in the month, so we have that going for us. I understand how fortu- nate my family is to get to go on spring break together. I don’t take it for granted one bit — and neither should those of you who are blessed to do so as well. Back in the day, I would be headed to the mountains to ski, but as our winters have mounted in Chicago, that is a tough sell. Everyone in the Johnson vot- Nowwwwww I find out! The point is, this is the
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The Hinsdalean • February 14, 2019 • Page 13
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