The Hinsdalean_2019-02-14
NEWS Progress toward parking deck resolution By Pamela Lannom
ment for the 319-space, two-story parking deck on the site of the new middle school, approving the doc- ument in March 2018. In November, The Hinsdalean reported that the two sides had hit a roadblock. The village, which is responsible for designing and paying for the major- ity of the $7.6 million cost, had plans to build it with 40 pounds per square foot load plus a “live load” for snow that would make it about 50 psf. District 181 officials objected to the plan, as it did not meet the requirements of the inter- governmental agreement, which stipulates a 100 psf load. Village President Tom Cauley has contended that the higher load capacity is not necessary and would add $600,000 to the cost of the deck. District 181 Superintendent Hector
The village of Hinsdale and Community Consoli- dated Elementary District 181 reached a mutual understanding on most open design issues relat- ed to the planned shared parking deck adjacent to Hinsdale Middle School during a joint mediation session Friday. The two sides issued a joint press release Tuesday announcing the develop- ment, while also stating they continue working to settle remaining points of disagreement. “When all items are resolved, the village and district will revise the intergovernmental agree- ment to reflect the agreed upon changes,” it states. The village and school district spent more than a year developing a 33-page intergovernmental agree-
The first mediation session on the parking deck at Hinsdale Middle School has led to agreement on most design issues between village and school district officials. (art courtesy of District 181)
Garcia has said the district supports saving taxpay- er dollars, but not at the expense of safety. After more than 20
meetings and information exchanges in late 2018 and early 2019, the two sides announced in January they would enter media-
tion as prescribed in the IGA. The village had expected construction on the deck to be completed in August.
The Ned Show comes to Monroe School
Students at Monroe School spent the last hour before Christmas break being entertained by Justin Kimball from The Ned Show. The program encourages kids to recognize the champion within, through the cartoon character whose name is an acronym for Never give up, Encourage others and Do your best. The students enjoyed the pro- gram. (Jim Slonoff photos)
The Hinsdalean • February 14, 2019 • Page 3
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