The Hinsdalean_2019-02-14
A great evening to be a Red Devil
The Hinsdale Central Special Olympics bas- ketball team played against the District 99 team Feb 1. Although Central came up short on scoring, all the ath- letes, coaches and fans at the Pack the Place event were win- ners. Coaches Molly Schneiders, Tess Ellithorpe and Chloe Heiser motivate their team during the game. Colin Baar brings the ball up the court while Sasha Rhodes takes a shot. Coach Jenna Frizzell and Taylor Ward talk with Jeremiah Adams while he takes a break from playing. Tara Rao goes up for a shot and girls basketball team members were on hand to support the team. (Jim Slonoff photos)
Page 38 • February 14, 2019 • The Hinsdalean
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